Thank you for visiting our website.  It is a public education resource provided by Alaska’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems Legislative Task Force (UASLTF) to raise public awareness of the laws applicable to sUAS.

Representative Shelley Hughes
peter micciche signature 

Senator Peter Micciche

Color Alaska Privacy Guidelines for Drones

(color 6.6 meg – Adobe Acrobat file)
Black and White Alaska Privacy Guidelines for Drones

(b&w 1.0 meg – Adobe Acrobat file)

Harry Kieling, of Alaska Public Media’s show ‘Hanger Flying’ and the Alaska Aviation Safety Foundation, interviews Rep. Shelley Hughes about drone safety and privacy regulations.

FAAs_Pre-flight Checklist



The Unmanned Aircraft Systems Legislative  Task Force encourages prospective drone operators to review the following important safety sheet to know where you are authorized to fly, for what purposes, and other safety guidelines. This sheet is also for drone vendors, drone purchasers, drone owners, and others to make available to those who may or will be flying UAS/drones.

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